Enable Offline Salesforce Look up as a system wide setting
You have to enable Offline Salesforce Look up on every device you log into as per this article http://support.formyoula.com/knowledgebase/articles/490427-offline-salesforce-lookups
It would be great if the admin of your Formyoula instance can enable this as a system wide setting for all users regardless of which device they use.

Hey Vishal,
I wanted to follow-up and let you know that we have released an update that allows enabling organization-wide Salesforce Lookup auto-sync.
Please see this guide that explains the setup process - https://support.formyoula.com/knowledgebase/articles/1960837
Thank you,
Formyoula Support Team -
AdminFormyoula (Support, Formyoula.com) commented
Hey Charlotte,
Thank you for your comment.
We are planning to release an update towards the end of the year that will allow you to enable automated offline lookup sync each time user signs into the Formyoula app. We will be happy to keep you posted with any further information.
Thank you again,
Formyoula team -
c.white commented
I agree with Vishal,
We have multiple users accessing an event registration form at events across the world where internet connections can be haphazard and often drop out whilst taking registrations.
Its frustrating that each time a user logs into the app they have to update the setting to 'yes'. It would be good if the admin could update this setting per form or system wide setting to default 'yes'.
I noticed this idea was shared over a year ago, is there any update to your comment from June 2016?
AdminFormyoula (Support, Formyoula.com) commented
Hey Vishal,
Thank you for your great suggestion.
We are looking to add an option that will auto-sync the offline lookups once users sign into the Formyoula app. I will be happy to let you know as soon as we will have a release date for this update.
Please let me know if you have any questions, and we will be happy to help.
Thank you again,
Gatis -
Vishal Dutta commented
Hi guys,
When the user logs in on a device for the first time it will automatically do the offline sync as a part of the log in process. It wouldn't need to be done every time they log in, just the first.
AdminFormyoula (Support, Formyoula.com) commented
Hey Vishal,
Thank you for your great suggestion.
Can you please share some more details for the offline record sync: How would you envision the sync working? Would it sync every time the app starts or when users click the refresh button?
Please share as many details as you can, and we will be happy to further review your suggestion.
Thank you again,
Formyoula team