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Create Salesforce Chatter Files in Chatter Groups using Formyoula Form

Formyoula Files enables Formyoula Salesforce and non-Salesforce users to submit images, audio files, and videos into Salesforce Chatter Groups as Chatter files.

Please follow the steps below to enable Formyoula File upload to Salesforce Chatter Groups.

Install The Formyoula File Package on Your Salesforce

1. To start, please go to your Salesforce organisation and install Formyoula File package. The package installation step is required to enable file upload functionality. Please use one of the following links:


Create a Formyoula Salesforce Connection to The Formyoula File

In this part of the guide, we will demonstrate how to create a Formyoula form that allows you to upload a Chatter file to the Salesforce Chatter Group.

1. Please go to your Formyoula Dashboard - “” and click "New Form".

2. Rename your form, we will use "Formyoula Files to Salesforce".

3. Please drag and drop a “Text” field. This will be used for the media file’s name.

4. Drag and drop a “Text Area” field. This will be used for the media file’s description.

5. Drag and drop a “Hidden” field on your form to automatically specify what type of file needs to be created. Enter the following options as the field’s value - Chatter File.

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6.  Drag and drop a Photo, Audio, Signature or Sketch field from the “Media” section.

7. Drag and drop a “Hidden” field on your form. This is used for a new Chatter File record creation to specify the library that the media file needs to be created in. Copy the ID from the URL link when on the correct Library’s page and paste it in the hidden field. (Please check if this is a required field on the ContentVersion object).

8. Drag and drop a “Hidden” field on your form. This is used for a new Chatter File record creation to specify the Chatter Group the media file needs to be created in. Copy the ID from the URL link when on the correct Chatter Group and paste it in the hidden field.

9. When all the fields are added, please click the "Save & Close" button.

10. Next, we will add a Salesforce connection. Please click on “(Add)” under the “Connections” column or click on the “Create a Connection” button, or select “Add/Edit Connections” from the “Actions” available list.

11. Select “Salesforce” from the available connections list and click “Create Connection >>”.

If you do not see the Formyoula File object, please make sure you install the Formyoula File package by using the link in the beginning of this guide.

12. Select “Formyoula File” from the available Salesforce Object list and click “Save”.

13. Please map the form fields to the Formyoula File object’s fields in Salesforce.

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14. A Formyoula File record will be created on your Salesforce when a new Formyoula form entry is submitted. The Formyoula File record will have all the captured information from your form and a link to the file. Salesforce will process the new Formyoula File record and create a file based on your selected file type. Please see below example.

New Formyoula Form Entry with Photo Attachment

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Salesforce Chatter Group

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If you have any questions, please email us at

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