Create custom branded PDFs using the Formyoula PDF Editor

1. To customize your PDF please go to your dashboard and click on the “Actions” column next to the form you would like to edit the PDF for.

2.Select the "PDF Editor" from the available list.

3. First we will upload a logo by pressing on the picture icon.


4. You can copy the logo/image URL from any page where it is stored online. Right click on the logo/image and select "Copy image URL"

5. Insert the logo/image link in the URL section. You can select the size of the image by changing the “Width” and “Height” measurements. Please note: the URL link has to start with "http"!

6. Add any text you like and customize it. Also, we will add merge fields to display the information that was captured on the form entry.

7. You can copy the merge field values by selecting the form fields in the top right corner.

8. Add a “Table” from the toolbar, this will be used to display an actual image on the PDF. Input 1 “Row” and 1 “Column”. You can select the size of the image by changing the “Width” and “Height” measurements. Also, input 0 for the “Border size”.


9. Input the “Photo Attachment” field’s merged ID into the “Table”.

10. Tick the "Use" check-box, this will insure that this custom PDF will be used instead of the standard one.

11. When done click on the "Save & Close" button.

12. Now when a form entry will be captured the custom PDF will be in use.

Please note that currently 'repeat group' sections are supported only with the standard PDF template!

For any questions please email us

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