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Display Images and Signatures in Salesforce

Display an image on Salesforce

When mapping your Formyoula forms to Salesforce object, you will need to map the image url to a Salesforce field. This can be a URL or text field on Salesforce. To display the actual image you will need to create a formula field on Salesforce. Below is an example formula that you can use to display the image.

IF (NOT(ISBLANK(Image_URL__c)),IMAGE(Image_URL__c, 'Image', 600, 450),"No Image Is Captured")

Replace the "Image_URL__c" with your field that has the image URL recorder and update the dimensions accordingly.

Display a signature on Salesforce

To display signatures in Salesforce you will need to follow the same logic as for images. You will need to create a URL field in Salesforce and map it to the signature input on Formyoula. To display the signature on your record detail page, please create the following formula field.

IF (NOT(ISBLANK(Signature_URL__c)),IMAGE(Signature_URL__c, 'Signature', 200, 500),"No Signature Is Captured")

Replace the "Signature_URL__c" with your field that has the signature URL recorder and update the dimensions accordingly.

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