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Offline Event Registration

To start go to your Formyoula Dashboard - and click "New Form".

Rename your form, we will use "Event Registration".

Press on the "Options" button to edit the form.

"Enable Auto-Repeat" this will automatically re-start the form when submitted, "Disable Form-Header" this will take away the standard header from the app on the form, "Disable Standard Navigation" this will disable the standard navigation and you will be able to use the custom navigation. 

Add at least one page to your form and click the "+" button to create it. We will add four pages: "Welcome", "Sign In", "Register" and "Thank you" .

Drag and drop a "Graphic" field from the "Media" section, we will use this as a spacer, so that the form elements are further from the top.

Press on the "Pencil" button to edit the "Graphic" field. We will upload a white background image and will use it as a spacer.

Drag and drop another "Graphic" field from the "Media" section, this can be used for your company's logo or banner. Press on the "Pencil" button to edit the "Graphic" field, upload an image and change the "Graphic Label", "Width" and the "Graphic Position" as you need.

Drag and drop a "Navigation" field from the "Input" section, press on the "pencil" button to edit the field. Change the "Button Label", "Button Position", "Button Action" and field "Go To Page#" fields. We will use the "Button Action" option as "Next" and "Go To Page#" as 2, this will manage the navigation to the needed page .

Drag and drop another "Navigation" field. We will use this navigation to take us directly to page 3.

Go to the next "Sign In" page.

Drag and drop a "Graphic" field, we will use this to upload the logo on the second page the same as on the first page.

Drag and drop a "Header" field. We will use this to explain what to do on the next steps.

Drag and drop a "Salesforce lookup" field from the "Salesforce" section. We will use this lookup so that the event attendees can sign up for the event with an existing Contact record from Salesforce. Edit the field, we will rename the "Label" as Contact and will attach it to "Contact" object on Salesforce, we will rename the "Button Label" as "Find My Account" and we will set the "Button Position" as "Fill".

Drag and drop another "Header" field, we will use this one to explain the next steps as well.

Drag and drop a "Popup" field from the "Select" section. We will use this one to add terms and conditions for the event, Change the "Button Label", "Button Position", "Popup Title", and enter your terms and conditions in the "Popup Body" field.

Drag and Drop a "Signature" field from the "Media" section. We will use this so that the existing Salesforce Contact can agree for the Event's terms and conditions by signing the form.

Drag and drop a "Navigation" field. We will use this one to navigate to the last "Thank You" page.

Drag and drop another "Navigation" field. We will use this one to cancel the form submission and so that we have enabled the forms "Auto-Repeat", it will automatically restart the form from the first page.

Go to the next "Register" page.

Drag and drop a "Graphic" field, we will use this to upload the logo on the third page the same as on previous pages.

Drag and drop a "Header" field. We will use this to explain what to do on the next steps. 

Drag and drop two "Text" fields. We will use these to create a new contact on Salesforce. Edit the fields, we will rename the field "Labels" as "First Name" and "Last Name".

Drag and drop a "Email" field.

Drag and drop another "Header" field, we will use this one to explain the next steps.

Drag and drop a "Popup" field from the "Select" section. We will use this one to add terms and conditions for the event, Change the "Button Label", "Button Position", "Popup Title", and enter your terms and conditions in the "Popup Body" field.

Drag and Drop a "Signature" field from the "Media" section. We will use this so that the newly created Salesforce contact can agree for the Event's terms and conditions by signing the form.

Drag and drop a "Navigation" field. We will use this one to navigate to the last "Thank You" page.

Drag and drop another "Navigation" field. We will use this one to cancel the form submission and so that we have enabled the forms "Auto-Repeat", it will automatically restart the form from the first page.

Go to the last "Thank you" page.

Drag and drop a "Graphic" field and upload a white background image. We will use this to move the fields further from the top, the same as on the first page.

Drag and drop another "Graphic" field, we will use this to upload the logo on the last page the same as on previous pages.

Drag and drop a "Header" field. We will use this one to thank the attendees for either signing up or registering for the event.

Drag and drop a "Navigation" field. We will use this one for the form submission.

Drag and drop a "Hidden" field. This field will not be displayed on the form, we will use this to attach ether the newly created or the existing contact as an attendee for an existing Event on Salesforce.

You can copy the "Event Id" value from the Salesforce URL while on the Event's page.

Drag and drop another "Hidden" field. We will use this one to attach ether the newly created or the existing contact as an attendee for an existing Campaign on Salesforce.

You can copy the "Campaign Id" value from the Salesforce URL while on the Campaign's page.

When finished, click the "Save & Close" button.

Now we need to create three Salesforce connections. First for the new contact creation or to update the existing one, second for the attendee registration for the event and third for the attendee registration for the campaign. Click "Add" under the connection column.

Select Salesforce from the available connections list and click "Create Connection".

Select "Contact" from the "Salesforce Object" list and click "Save".

So that we can use the newly created Contact record for our campaign and event , the Contact connection "Insert Sequence" will need to be 1. This will insure that the Contact record is created prior we add it to the Event and the Campaign.

Select "Contact" from the "Update based on lookup" section, this will ensure that the existing Contact will be updated and assigned to the Campaign.

Click "Save" when done.

Now we need to map our Formyoula fields to the Salesforce "Contact" fields. This will be used to create a new Contact and to update the existing Contact. First we will map the Formyoula "First Name" field to the Salesforce "First Name" field, when both are selected click "Create Map".

Formyoula "Last Name" field to the Salesforce "Last Name" field.

Formyoula "Email" field to the Salesforce "Email" field. 

Formyoula "Signature Input (Register)" field to the Salesforce "Signature URL" custom field.
If you do not have Signature custom field then please use this guide to create one -

And the second "Signature Input (Sign Up)" field to the same Salesforce "Signature URL" custom field.

Check if the mappings are correct and press "Back to Connections" to create the second connection.

Select Salesforce from the available connections list and click "Create Connection".

Select "Event Relation" from the "Salesforce Object" list and click "Save".

Update the "Insert Sequence" to 2. We will use this to attach the Contact to the Event.

Click "Save" when done.

Next we will need to map our Formyoula fields to the Salesforce Event Relation fields. First we will map the "Event ID" field to the "Event Id" object on the Salesforce, this will be used to attach the form to an existing Event on Salesforce.

Formyoula "Contact" field to the Salesforce "Relation ID" field. Whis will be used to attach the existing Contact to the Event.

And the Formyoula "[New Contact(Seq 1)]" to the Salesforce "Relation ID" field. This will be used to attach the newly created Contact to the Event.

Check if the mappings are correct and press "Back to Connections" to create the third connection.

Select Salesforce from the available connections list and click "Create Connection".

Select "Campaign Member" from the "Salesforce Object" list and click "Save".

Update the "Insert Sequence" to 3. We will use this to attach the Contact to the Campaign.

Click "Save" when done.

Next we will need to map our Formyoula fields to the Salesforce Campaign Member fields. First we will map  the "Campaign Id" field to the "Campaign ID" field on Salesforce, this will be used to attach the form to an existing Campaign on Salesforce.

Formyoula "Contact" field to the Salesforce "Contact ID" field. This will be used to attach the existing Contact to the Campaign.

And the Formyoula "[New Contact (Seq 1)]" to the Salesforce "Contact ID" field. This will be used to attach the newly created Contact to the Campaign.

Check if the mappings are correct and go back to the Formyoula dashboard.

Now you can open Formyoula on your mobile device and select the newly created form.

Fill in the form ether as an existing contact on Salesforce by clicking on "Sign In" button or as a new contact by clicking on the "Register" button.

If an existing Contact then use the Salesforce lookup by using an email address to find the Contact, terms and conditions will popup if you press on the "Terms and Conditions" button and you can sign the form, press the navigation button "Next" when done and it will take you to the last page.

On the last page click on the "Submit Registration" button. Since we have enabled the form's "Auto-Repeat" after submitting the form it will automatically start the form from the first page.

If a new contact then fill in the requested fields and sign the form, click the button "Next" when done and it will take you to the last page.

On the last page click on the "Submit Registration" button. Since we have enabled the form's "Auto-Repeat" after submitting the form it will automatically start the form from the first page.

If you want to switch the form or see the entries you need to quit the app and start it again. If you have uncommitted entries please make sure that they are completed or synced to Salesforce before logging out.

Now when you open Salesforce you will be able to see the newly created Contact and the existing Contact as an attendees under the Campaign record and the Event record.

If you have any questions, please email

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